IRAQ THE MODEL: "At Saddam days there were 'laws' made at some periods (late 90s) that prohibit wearing clothes or having hair cuts in a way that simulates westren customs, you know like having a hair cut similar to that most of the marines have, or wearing shorts, or T-shirts that have a flag of a western country (especially US and UK), or any obvious English word on them. One of those days I almost got suspended from high school for a week for wearing a T-shirt with the British flag on it. I had to promise never to wear it or anything like it again. They even made a remark about my school-bag because it had the NIKE trademark!"
internationales weblog zum irak-konflikt, dem "krieg gegen terrorismus", etc.: fakten, meinungen, hintergr�nde
international blog on the conflict in iraq and "war on terrorism" and the like: facts, opinions, backgrounds
internationales weblog zum irak-konflikt, dem "krieg gegen terrorismus", etc.: fakten, meinungen, hintergr�nde
international blog on the conflict in iraq and "war on terrorism" and the like: facts, opinions, backgrounds
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- Live From Dallas: "By now, most of you know the Ir...
- Institute for War and Peace Reporting: "Sadr City ...
- MY WAR: "I%27m constrained up in some fucking guar...
- Live From Dallas: "The number of Iraqi blogs has r...
- Iraq at a glance: "What do you want Muqtada%3F %0D...
- THE WAR IN CONTEXT%3A%3A Iraq%2C the War on Terror...
- Today in Iraq: "Nearly 100 prominent Muslims yeste...
- Iraqi Bloggers Central%3A Urban Warfare 101: "The ...
- iraqi wannabe%3A justin alexander%92s blog: "The R...
- BAGHDAD DWELLER: "Muqty is hiding in a cellar in a...
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- Saddam Hussein is a dictator.
- We do not defend his actions.
- We defend the right of the United Nations to deal with international security.
- We defend the right of the free press to report on international security issues.
- We respect cultural and religious freedom and oppose racism.
- Saddam Hussein ist ein Diktator.
- Wir verteidigen nicht seine Handlungen.
- Wir verteidigen das Recht der Vereinten Nationen, sich um die internationale Sicherheit zu kümmern.
- Wir verteidigen das Recht der freien Presse, sich mit internationalen Sicherheitsfragen zu befassen.
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