
internationales weblog zum irak-konflikt, dem "krieg gegen terrorismus", etc.: fakten, meinungen, hintergr�nde
international blog on the conflict in iraq and "war on terrorism" and the like: facts, opinions, backgrounds


THE WAR IN CONTEXT%3A%3A Iraq%2C the War on Terrorism%2C and the Middle East Conflict - in Critical Perspective: "As another inevitable result of the %22smoke them out%22 diplomacy of the Bush administration and Iraqi Premier Riyadh Malawi%2C untold damage is being done in the Muslim world%3A US Apache helicopters and AC-130 gunships bombing the vast holy grounds of the Wadi al-Salam cemetery%2C while the main shopping street leading to the Imam Ali Shrine - as well as most of Najaf%27s old city - lies in ruins. "


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