
internationales weblog zum irak-konflikt, dem "krieg gegen terrorismus", etc.: fakten, meinungen, hintergr�nde
international blog on the conflict in iraq and "war on terrorism" and the like: facts, opinions, backgrounds


* Gro�er Protestmarsch in New York
* "The March Is Just Beginning" "The March Is Just Beginning" (telepolis)
Ronda Hauben 24.03.2003
Giant Protest March in New York City Condemns the U.S. government Attack on Iraq
"Our grief is not a cry for war", one sign proclaimed. "New York City is not for war", another protester explained. These were but two of the sea of homemade signs and people that filled the streets of New York City on Saturday, March 22, 2003. Protesters stretched at least two miles across Broadway, marching from 42nd Street to Washington Square Park.


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