
internationales weblog zum irak-konflikt, dem "krieg gegen terrorismus", etc.: fakten, meinungen, hintergr�nde
international blog on the conflict in iraq and "war on terrorism" and the like: facts, opinions, backgrounds


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www.streamtime.org: "Streamtime is a project of Radio Reedflute in collaboration with Rastasoft, developed with artists and activists from Iraq and elsewhere. Initiated by Dutch journalist and media activist Jo van der Spek, Streamtime is a loose network of media activists dedicated to assist local media to get connected. Streamtime uses old and new media for the production of content and networks in the fields of media, arts, culture and activism in crisis areas, like Iraq.

Streamtime is first of all a gesture of solidarity: it may take the form of a campaign, a work of collaborative art, a current of unheard sounds, unspeakable words and unseen imaginations. Very concretely it is a handshake in cyberspace, a hanging garden for dialogue and cooperation, generated by a sense of solidarity, hospitality and a desire to communicate and relate. These are the leading principles. The flow of Streamtime is determined by shared needs, skills, knowledge and experiences of all involved. The design should be guided by openness, free publishing (copy left), easy access, low-to-no literacy and multi-linguality. Open source software will be preferred and stimulated. The Web is a powerful and accessible structure, but web content stays fragmented. Streamtime wants to research, indicate, point to amazing stories of people that, against all odds, are building a new Iraq. We want to help break the"

Support Iraqi Bloggers-Interview with Cecile Landman (Streamti

Support Iraqi Bloggers-Interview with Cecile Landman (Streamtime

Support Iraqi Bloggers
Interview with Cecile Landman
By Geert Lovink

Cecile Landman is a Dutch freelance investigative journalist, who
specializes in the facts behind the news.


warum? why?

warum werden meine Blogs immer von warscan �bernommen?
Why my blogs alway are taken by warscan? It does't matter. But why?


mohammed cartoons - Google Search

mohammed cartoons - Google Search

Blogcritics.org: Jesus Cartoons Everywhere and Christians Are Not Rioting

Blogcritics.org: Jesus Cartoons Everywhere and Christians Are Not Rioting


Das Gesicht Mohammeds - Wikipedia

Das Gesicht Mohammeds - Wikipedia

8_antisemitische_Karikaturen.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

8_antisemitische_Karikaturen.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

excamples for antisemitic Caricatures in arabic newspapers.


The other side " Of war against the terror"

Is it right how amarican prisoners are treadeted in guantanamo ?
The amarican soldiers violate against the humen rights, since the 11 sept. they think they can do everything "to figth against the terror" .
But also america have to attand the humen rights!


Hate is growing in the eastern world started by the the funny pictures of mohamed a danish newspaper has printed. The people in these countries feeling harmed by western states but is that a right to fight against american soldiers, burn buildings, take hostages or other radical actions? Another question is if in Europe or Amerika such reactions are possible through blaming Jesus or other religios symbols?

War against terror

War against terror is really bad.
Its terrible to kill people without any reason.
The people who were killed have nothing done so there is no reason to kill them.
Many children are killed and the terrorist who are the real enemys are still alive.

war against terror

I think terror is no opinion, because it doesn`t work to kill people who can`t change the situation at all.