BAYKOMM #futurefarming Pressekonferenz
Liveblogging, alles eher grob sinngemäß
Intro / Kommunikationschefin Beth Roden
Kollaboration und Innovation werden durch offene und auch kritische Dialoge getrieben.
Diese Dialoge treiben wir hier.
Liam Condon, President Crop Sciences
Es gibt eine Übereinkunft mit Monsanto nicht über den Stand der Verhandlungen zu kommentieren.
We all used to be farmers or hunters, only recently this has changed.
This is because farmers do a good job and the others can be journalists, lawyers etc.
This is done by using innovation and technology.
In 35 years the earth will ‘win’ another 3 billion people the population rising to 10 billion.
We need to feed them.
Consumption patterns change. More processed food and more proteine.
Arable land is limited, it cannot grow with the population.
we need to feed more people with less land per capita.
Climate change reduces yield by 17%.
Increased pressure by pests and weeds
Increase in food demand by 60%
We need to prodice more while protecting the environment.
Global sinkende Preise wg. US Überproduktion und ?argentinien, das inden weltmarkt zurückkommt. (war abgelenkt.)
Bayer hat einen ?YoY Wachstum von etwa 10% (immer noch abgelenkt)
I. Innovation
Shaping the future of Farming
crop protection
services (!)
Using a spread of tehnologies (chemistry, biology, Traits, Breeding) to adress weed control, disease management, pest control, yeald enhancement & stress resistance
Key: It has to work and it has to be safe.
The pipeline of developments filled till 2020.
Geneticakly modified (6) and natural seeds (5) are balanced in numbers till 2020.
e.g. 9 products of all types during the lifecycle of a soy plant. Additionally: consulting and financing.
Budget at ca. 5% of sales.
R&D 1.1 billion EUR in 2016 planned, increasing since 2012 (0.7 bn)
“Our belief: Innovation is a driver for growth.” – ensure continuous innovation – breeding infrastructure, fast and best in class helping the farmers – best facilities to support reserach outcomes
II. Sustainability
III. Collaboration
GRDC Australia, 5 year strategic collaboration, weed management innovation, talennt exchange (doctorates)
spinn-off of Max-Plack-Institues, reserch on targets in plant metabolism fro crop protection
Brasil,pollineator health (bees etc.) , soy bean health
Open innovation
Startups and Univesities – Grants4Targets (protections) – Grants4Traits (seeds)
financial or know-how (regulatory, toxicology, safety)
Venture Capital
Flagship Ventures
?Flintstone ventures (muss was anders sein)
Interdisciplinary approcaes
Combine: Bio / Chemical / Engineering / data sciences
“Very promising and hard to manage. weare very covinced about thos idea.”
e.g. – high-tech breeding infrastructre – targeted genome optimization – computational life sciences (CLS) / big data interpretation
CLS as a meta discipline to cover all working areas.
Digital farming (looging at the field, not the lab as CLS)
- capture potetial of every hectare – reduce environmental footprint of farming – dive economic results with data and analytics – real time data: detect plant stress via satellite imagery
500 million smallholders often for substistence
enabling them to produce food where it is needed most
no one company can fix this
infrastructure problems
training – basic problems that need tp be fixed
Pilots with partners working along the value chain helping them to be sustainable.
They face complex problems.
India: creen chili e
Kenya: Potatoes etc.
Ethiopia: vegetables
“They have no toilets but everyoine has a mobile phone”: bring infromation fast to everybody.
All needs to be in line with local agricultural practices and cultures.
Technology comes last here.
We are committed to doing more in this area.
“Bayer ForwardFarming”: Demoonstrating susutainable agriculture in real farms and fostering dialogue. – Integrated crop solutions – reducing soil erosion through buffer strips – manageing waste water – increasing biodiversity – hman protection – knowledge exchange
Product Stewardship – safe use of procucts
ending in – safe disposal of contrainers
Bee care – active for decades – multi stakeholder approach – feed abee / biodiversity – healthy hives (reserach) – …. (will have more on this tomorrow)
Bayer Ag Education Program – Youth Ag Summit – agLearn Online too – Baylabs student lab – Agriculture Science Scholarships
- END (das Panel überspring ich)
[2016-09-07 08:04 | Oliver Gassner | ]
[Kat. on-the-road agora ]
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Business Camp Bodensee 2016 Panel discussion: Agriculture 2030 #futurefarming