Hinter den Spiegeln... mit 'Croquet'
Ich zitier mal die Videobeschreibung, ja?
This is an edited screen capture from a Croquet demo given by Julian Lombardi in August 2007. It shows some of the capabilities of the open source Croquet software development environment. Croquet is designed for use in creating and deploying large-scale distributed multi-user virtual 3D applications and metaverses that are (1) persistent (2) deeply collaborative, (3) interconnected and (4) interoperable. The Croquet architecture supports synchronous communication, collaboration, resource sharing and computation among large numbers of users on multiple platforms and multiple devices.
Also: ein superdingsiges 3D-Teil-Entwicklngs-Wachtamacallit mit alle zusammen wie Wiki und Tralalla ;)
[2007-11-09 12:35 | Oliver Gassner | ]
[Kat. metaverse null-eins | Tags: croquet 3d web3.d]

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