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Google Checkout (statt Gbuy)

Bitte hier lang: https://checkout.google.com/

Das Blabla:

Stop creating multiple accounts and passwords. With Google Checkout™ you can quickly and easily buy from stores across the web and track all your orders and shipping in one place. Shop with confidence. Our fraud protection policy covers you against unauthorized purchases made through Google Checkout, and we don’t share your purchase history or full credit card number with sellers. Control commercial spam. You can keep your email address confidential, and easily turn off unwanted emails from stores where you use Google Checkout.
Also zusammenfassend:

Wenn ich mich allerdings mit meinen Google-Infos bei Checkoput einlogge, führt er mich zur Neuinstallation eines Google_Accounts? Verwirrend. Wer kriegt das hin. da auch ‘reinzukommen’?

[2006-06-29 07:50 | | ]
[Kat. | Tags: ]

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